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Personal Care - HOT SHOE Warm Slippers "100% microwave-capable"

HOT SHOE Warm Slippers "100% microwave-capable"

Price: 18.99 JD


Item Description

Your extremities (hands and feet) are normally the coldest part on your body. That’s because your body is sending the heat to its core, to keep your vital organs at the right temperature.
What you need is a pair of Polar Fleece Microwavable Slippers. You can warm the slippers in a microwave and these slippeez contain a special blend of treated flax seed and wonderfully relaxing herbs.
Simply “cook” them in a microwave for about 90 seconds, and then you'll feel the soothing effects of heat and aromatherapy on your tired aching feet.
Slippies can be reheated thousands of times and will keep your feet warm for up to 2 hours with each heating. You can also freeze them to treat sprains, bruising and swelling.


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