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Household - kebab maker Vertical automatic rotary grill

kebab maker Vertical automatic rotary grill

Price: 39.99 JD


Item Description

1.Rated input Power: 1000 watts
2. Use to Maker kebab grills, make your food delicious and sweet-smelling.
3. Cover part is all stainless steel, black is plastic part.
4. The middle axes and five pins can rotate. the out body can cover, if covered is gather heat.
5. Easy to clear, after you clear easy to assemble.
6. Convenient and easy to make your dinner colorful in just 5-15 mins.
7. String what ever you want to eat on the Skewers,plug it then do
whatever you want after 5-15 mins.
8. Heater in family, let the room hot soon.

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